Tuesday, February 26, 2008


If something is Beautiful,
It has to be your eyes.

If something is colourful,
It has to be your smile.

If something is musical,
It is your voice.

If somewhwere is a paradise,
It has to be in your heart.

If somewhere stays innocence,
It stays in your mind.

If some roses are without thorns,
Those roses are your lips.

If something is so full of fragrances,
It has to be the breeze, that brushes past you.

If something feels silkier than silk,
It has to be your hair.

If something makes me feel, wanting to feel,
It is your skin.

If someone is all perfect,
It is only you.

And,if there's a life,
It has to be with you.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I bet there's one thing even more beautiful than this piece of art...And it is none other than your... HEART.

Anonymous said...

O my god! This is so beautiful... and even more... your are the perfect poet!